An artistic hobby that has grown into a big business.
Our small family business started in mid 2021.
I (Vladimir) and my wife Maria, stumbled on the Internet on a video of a rather interesting machine that printed pictures directly on the wall. We thought it was something new and we had never seen anything like it in Las Vegas. And then we began to study information on companies that sell vertical printers for wall printing.
We immediately remembered how we did graphic design and graffiti in our youth, and came to the conclusion that we wanted to try to develop a wall printing business in Las Vegas.
After all, we know how to draw and we want to return to painting graffiti and murals, and this printer will be an excellent tool in this matter. As the business grew, we realized that a vertical printer couldn't quite handle it.
So we came to the fact that we painted large murals by hands again.
At the same time, many customers called about vinyl wallcoverings for the walls, window graphics etc.
And so we came to the opening of a printshop and an art studio that would satisfy any art and print needs of the client.
We will share with you all the information about printing, murals, vertical printing and business.